Lord Ganesh was born on the fourth day of Bhadra Shukla Pakchya in the month of Bhadra, according to the Mangal Chauthi Puran. As a result, every Bhadra Shukla Chaturthi, is celebrated as the day of Lord Ganesh’s birth. Lord Ganesh has been the lord of Chaturthi Tithi since his appearance as Parvatiputra (son of Parvati) on this day.
Sri Ganesh was born on Tuesday, as a result, when the Chaturthi Tithi and Tuesday both fall on the same day, a special devotion of Lord Ganesh is performed to make him pleased. On this day, Lord Ganesh’s worship is performed according to the scriptural manner – adoration, singing hymns and chants, recitation of Ganesh Atharvashirsha, story-telling, and so on. Every Mangal Chauthi, many Ganesh temples in Kathmandu are crowded and one of the temples them is Kamaladi Ganesh Temple, where many devotees performed puja and offered sweets to Lord Ganesh.