Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai, while divulging details on the 2021 Mundra Port drugs case, said that two containers of a consignment of heroin weighing 2988.21 kilograms were seized, National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed four chargesheets and 27 accused have been arrested.
“The drugs had originated from Afghanistan,” he added.
MoS Rai made the remarks in reply to a written question put forth by Congress MP Kumar Ketkar to the Minister of Home Affairs in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. Ketkar asked if the Government has found about the prime accused of three consignments of drugs landed that he alleged had landed at the Mundra Port.
To this, MoS for Home Affairs, Rai said that as per the information provided by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), the details of cases of seizure of drugs at Mundra Port from the year 2021 to till date by various Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (DLEAs) is at Annexure-1.
He also said that Government of India has taken several measures to control drugs coming through ports.
“A high level dedicated group has been created in National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) in November 2022 to analyse the drug trafficking through maritime routes, challenges and solutions (MAMSG-NSCS).
He also said that to monitor coastal borders, Indian Coast Guard have also bee empowered under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 for making interdiction of narcotic drugs in coastal areas and at high seas.
“To monitor coastal borders, Indian Coast Guard have also been empowered under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 for making interdiction of narcotic drugs in coastal areas and at high seas,” he said.
MoS Rai added that Director General Level Talks are organized with neighboring and other countries such as Myanmar, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Singapore, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, etc. to resolve various issues related to drugs trafficking through maritime route. (ANI)