Delhi Police has registered 113 FIRs, of which 61 cases pertain to cheating and fraud in the name of providing COVID-19 medicines or oxygen while 52 cases related to black-marketing, hoarding or overcharging.
A total of 100 arrests have been made in these cases, the police informed on Tuesday.
The Delhi Police has also begun action against fraud callers and cyber financial cheats.
In the last two days, 200 mobile numbers, 95 bank accounts, 33 UTR and 17 UPI/Wallet involved in this inhuman crime have been identified, the police said.
The Delhi Police cyber unit CyPAD has also aligned with the Cyber and Information Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs, to create an integrated platform for law enforcement agencies and financial intermediaries like banks, wallets, merchants for real-time incident reporting, transmission, escalation, estoppels and resolution.
“The singular objective of this platform is to prevent the defrauded money from exiting the financial ecosystem and ending up in the hands of the fraudsters either in hard cash or as goods purchased over e-commercial sites,” the statement said.