India’s COVID-19 tally rose to 33,697,581 on Tuesday, with 18,795 new confirmed cases registered in the past 24 hours, showed the latest data from the federal health ministry.
An additional 179 deaths from the pandemic were recorded in the South Asian country, taking the overall death toll to 447,373.
Data showed 11,699 of the new cases and 58 of the new deaths from the coronavirus epidemic were reported in the southern state of Kerala.
After a decline of 7,414 in the past 24 hours, currently the number of active cases stands at 292,206 in India, marking the lowest in 192 days, said the federal health ministry.
The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 in India has risen to 32,958,002, including 26,030 recovered patients discharged from hospitals in the past 24 hours.