JHAPA: Seventy people on average are on a daily basis visiting the District Ayurveda Health Centre in Bhadrapur of Jhapa to seek services.
According to the Centre Chief, Ayurvedic physician Bijay Shrestha, the facility provides promotional, preventive, and curative health care services. Most of the cases it treats are related to piles, back pain, gastritis, asthma cough, bone and joint issues and nerves.
In the first eight months of the current fiscal year 2081-82 BS (2024-25), a total of 4,928 received the therapy (Purva Karma/Pancha Karma) service, 105 homeopathic, and 545 received the laboratory services.
Likewise, a total of 2,175 visited the Out Patient Department (OPD) ward. Moreover, the Centre provides services of surgery, for new mothers and infants and senior citizens as well.
Dr Shrestha claimed that the services of Center are quality and distinctive across the province. One Kiran Pokhrel of Bhadrapur municipality-8 said he has been receiving the Center’s service for gastritis for two months and found it effective. “I have now trust on the Ayurved service.”
Bikash Rajbansi of Haldibari said he has been benefited from the therapy service for his backbone issue. The level of pain reduced within the few days of the start of treatment. As he said, his condition has improved now.