Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said those who resort to attacking doctors would face action. Receiving a memorandum from the Nepal Medical Association (NMA) today, he made this commitment, said the NMA Vice President Dr Prakash Budhathoki. Any one resorting to attack health workers would be punished, he said, quoting the PM. On the occasion, a delegation of the NMA led by its president Dr Anil Bikram Karki submitted a memorandum to PM Dahal.
The memo demands action against people attacking doctors and health workers as per the Act on the Safety and Security of Health Workers and Health Institutions (First Amendment).
On 13 September 2023, Dr Bikash Thapa and Dr Prashant Bidari who work for Sancho Hospital in Hetauda, faced an attack over the death of a dengue patient. The delegation met with the PM on the matter relating to the incident.
The NMA condemned the attack and demanded identifying and booking the attacker(s). —