Health and Population Minister Birodh Khatiwada has said that the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus had reduced the risk of second or third wave. Thanking everyone today on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the vaccination campaign, he said, “All of us have been instrumental in reducing the potential risks and helping us to come out of this challenging health crisis in our generation.” The vaccination campaign against coronavirus was launched on this day last year.
“Nepal was one of the few countries in the world to launch a vaccination campaign after the vaccine-producing countries,” he said. Covishield, AstraZeneca, Vero Cell, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer vaccines have been brought in Nepal. Noting that the covid-19 infection has been a global challenge for the past two years, he said the government was taking all possible measures to save the lives of its citizens. Stating that vaccination campaign has been started for everyone over 12 years of age today, he said that 42,089,540 vaccines have been received in Nepal through various methods and out of them 36,04,152 doses have been used.
About 70 percent of the target population over the age of 18 have been fully vaccinated and 83 percent have been vaccinated with one dose. A total of 1,872,670 children between the ages of 12 and 17 have been vaccinated for the first time and 358,218 children have been fully vaccinated. Nearly 300,000 people who have to work at the forefront have been given extra amount of money.
Minister Khatiwada said that there was still a risk of infection, adding that as more people were yet to be vaccinated, the vaccination campaign should be expedited and the remaining age groups should be vaccinated. Minister Khatiwada expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the national and international associations, organizations, bodies, people’s representatives, health workers and staffs working in the field of vaccine management and coordination for their support and facilitation at the central, state and local levels in carrying out the vaccination campaign amidst global challenges of vaccines and vaccine products.