District Traffic Office Sarlahi has collected revenue of Rs 9 million. Chief Police Inspector Ishwar Karki of District Traffic Police Office Sarlahi informed that 29 people died in road accidents in different places of the district in five months. According to him, up to four accidents occur daily in the district. During this period, 397 accidents took place in different places of the district and 125 people were seriously injured in the accidents.
In the last three financial years, the number of accidents and deaths in the district has been continuously increasing, according to traffic police statistics. Last year, 50 people died due to 184 vehicle accidents. Similarly, this year, 79 people died in 846 vehicle accidents.
Raj Kumar Mainali, Chairman of Rautahat Sarlahi Transport Pvt. Ltd. said that roads and vehicles in the district are becoming unsafe. Civic leader Shiv Chandra Choudhary says that concerned agencies should become more responsible to reduce traffic accidents.
Nepal Police Highway Safety and Traffic Police Management Office Madhes Province Spokesperson Deputy Superintendent of Police Lakshmi Bhandari said that traffic accidents occur due to narrow and bad roads, careless traffic operation and congestion. According to him, the risk of accidents has increased due to lack of awareness and information boards and road lining as well.