Chief Minister of Madhes Province Saroj Kumar Yadav has said government was doing homework to announce drought-hit area and ensure relief to the affected farmers. CM Yadav said it while receiving a memorandum from the parliamentary party of CPN UML in the province on Sunday.
He shared that government would declare dry zone to the area where farmers are bound to depend on monsoon rain for cultivation. The government is serious on the problems faced by the farmers due to drought, he said, adding that the relief would be provided as soon as possible.
CM Yadav further viewed, “We will hold discussion among all Chief District Officers in the province and dwell on how crises could be managed. Even the suggestions from political parties and concerned stakeholders would be sought to this regard.”
Moreover, CM Yadav informed that government had allocated Rs 7.5 million in compensation for the farmers who lost cattle due to lumpy skin disease.