High vigilance has been adopted at the Bharatpur Prison Office as the corona infection has increased. The prison administration has stopped meeting the relatives of the inmates saying that it is possible to move Corona.
According to office chief Kamal Prasad Kafle, the meeting was closed due to the possible spread of corona. Stating that there would be a problem in keeping more inmates than the capacity, he informed that they were closed as per the circular of the Department of Prison Management. The local administration has banned more than 25 people from gathering in public places.
He said, “As the risk has increased, we have stopped meeting the relatives of the prisoners.” He informed that the prison office does not understand the corona of the inmates brought from outside without examining them. “We do not understand the prisoners until the PCR test report,” he said. He said that high precaution was taken after the death of a prisoner in the prison office due to a corona infection. The prison administration has also provided separate quarantine for the newly arrived inmates and the inmates who have to be taken to the hospital. He said that a quarantine has been arranged with a capacity of 30 people. Where newcomers and patients are kept separate.
“Two rooms have been used as quarantine,” he said. There are currently 13 inmates in the quarantine. As the number of inmates added to the prison increases from outside, it could be increased, Kafle said. The prison, which has a capacity of 25 female and 255 male inmates, currently has 712 inmates. Of them, 445 are prisoners and 258 are prisoners. There are 50 women and 662 men in the prison. He has two dependent girls with him. According to Kafle, there are 20 inmates in the Bharatpur Prison Office.