In a digital era, Nepalis need to equip themselves with safety tools while surfing the fast world of the “Internet”. Though information technology is used for varied purposes from business to education by the urban population of Nepal, is being online really safe?
Creating a safe space online has become necessary, to allow all people to participate in the digital diaspora which is only
possible by the implementation of relevant cyber security laws by the state and preventive measures taken by the people.
Only in 2008 did Nepal have the assessment of the active threat posed by cyber related crimes to citizen’s online presence and transactions, and was able to produce a separate law for computer related crimes.
Likewise, Banking Offence and Punishment Act, 2008,
also governs banking operation and transaction which prohibits unauthorized use of a credit card, debit card, automated teller machine (ATM) card or other electronic means. The person convicted for this crime shall be punished with recovery of the amount and punishment up to five years depending on the amount of money involved in the illegal transactions.