District Traffic Police Office, Janakpurdham, Dhanusha has collected revenue of Rs. 14.6 million in the first nine months of the current fiscal year.
According to the District Traffic Police Office, Dhanusha, a total of Rs. 146.74 million revenue has been collected by taking action against 17,550 vehicles for violating traffic rules from July to April of the current fiscal year. Chief Police Inspector at the District Traffic Police Office, Dhanusha, Chandra Bhushan Yadav said that more revenue has been collected from the vehicles violating the traffic rules as compared to the same period of the previous year.
Similarly, 80 people have lost their lives in 1,055 road accidents in different parts of Dhanusha in the first nine months of the current fiscal year. According to Inspector Yadav, the increase in traffic accidents is due to increasing traffic pressure, narrow roads, negligence of drivers, and livestock being left on the roads.