In the fiscal year 2078/79, the revenue of Rs. 4 crores 42 lakh has been collected from the distribution of passports in Tanahun. Assistant Chief District Officer, Kashiram Gaihre informed that six thousand six hundred and nineteen passports were distributed from the district in that year. Likewise, eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-four people have been recommended for passports from the district, while eight hundred and seventy-two have been recommended for emergency services.
The office has collected a revenue of 44.2 million. The revenue was collected from organization registration, firearms, passport fees, judicial fines, administrative fines, fines and confiscations, fines and examination fees.
During that period, 52 cases have been registered. 2,470 people have been certified as tribals, 1,800 people have been certified as Dalits, and 1,878 people have been recommended for pension. Out of 84 organizations newly registered in the office, 785 organizations have been renewed. Out of 99 weapons renewed, six names have been changed. The office said that one newspaper was registered during this period.