A total of Rs. 2,50,000 has been raised in the Journalist Award Fund established by Nepal Press Union Myagdi. The amount has been collected in the fund established for the purpose of rewarding active journalists in the district. Hotelier Vimala Gauchan, a resident of Beni, has contributed Rs. 1,00,000.
Gauchan, who is also the delegate of the Nepali Congress General Convention and the district president of the Women’s Association, handed over the amount to the fund on Monday. During a function, Netri Gauchan handed over the check to Press Union Myagdi President Rakesh Sharma, Central Council Member Harikrishna Gautam and Union Myagdi Vice President Dhanilal Garbuja.
Donor Gauchan said that she contributed to the fund, which is awarded to journalists working in the district, in memory of her late husband Ram Gauchan. The union has launched a campaign for the establishment of a fund of Rs. 500,000. The president of the union Sharma informed that the fund is being set up with the objective of rewarding the best journalists among the active journalists in the district every year from the interest amount of the fund.