Minister for Urban Development Ram Kumari Jhankri has said efforts would be made to ensure all citizens that they had ownership of the current government. Minister Jhankri said it during a greetings exchange programme organised here on the occasion of the Dashain festival.
The Minister viewed that those representing the party in government were committed to fulfilling their responsibilities. Control of corruption and building of good governance were priorities, she underscored.
She however said, “We don’t have time. But we need to do something in favour of people.”
According to her, development should not be concentrated in a particular area and district but be holistic. “I’m for just development which covers all districts including Humla and Jumla,” Jhankri added.
On the occasion, Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security Krishna Kumar Shrestha vowed that he would end the anomalies in the sector of foreign employment. Necessary policy, laws and standards would be set to build the socialist-oriented economy, according to him.
More than 1.5 million people lost a job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Minister Shrestha said, adding the restoration of jobs is, therefore, a huge challenge. “The employments would be created by coordinating with all sides including industrial sectors,” Shrestha viewed.
The programme was addressed by various other leaders of the CPN (Unified Socialist).