The Arani highway section has become chaotic due to the crowd returning to the village to cast their votes in the local level election to be held on Friday. The road from Salaghari of Bhaktapur to Kavre Dhulikhel has been jammed for hours with two and four-wheelers returning home for voting this morning.
The Arani highway had been jammed for hours as the number of vehicles returning to the village by reserving small and big vehicles or by public transport has increased at the same time since the morning. According to the Metropolitan Police Circle, Jagati, the road has been jammed since 4 am today due to heavy traffic on the eastbound route passing through Bhaktapur. Police informed that there was a problem in traffic management due to road jam during the day.
According to Santoshi Khadka of Thimi Radheradhe, the passengers who boarded the bus from Thimi to Dhulikhel Hospital at 8 am arrived at 11 am only. According to the police, more than a thousand vehicles including motorcycles, microbuses, sumo and big buses have gone east today. Although there is no problem on the way back to Bhaktapur from Kavre, the road leading to Kavre has been diverted and vehicles have been diverted to reach Banepa via Chyamasingh and Tathali Nala. According to the police, the traffic jam remained the same till 2 pm even though vehicles were sent from both the directions.