Chief Minister of Bagmati Province Dormani Poudel has said that his government was willing to cooperate with Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS). Chief Minister Poudel said so at a meeting with RSS General Manager Siddharaj Rai at his residence while enquiring about the possible areas of cooperation with the RSS.
Present on the occasion, Economic Affairs and Planning Minister of Bagmati Province Kailash Dhungel expected timely changes in the RSS with optimum utilisation of technology.
Likewise, Internal Affairs and Law Minister Keshavraj Pandey also seconded the views of Poudel and Dhungel.
During the meeting, RSS GM Rai informed the Chief Minister about the RSS plans and video service that it is providing to its subscribers in the near future.
Chief Secretary of Bagmati Province Dr Mukunda Poudel and other officials of the provincial government and RSS officials were also present during the talks.