British Prime Minister‘s Special Envoy for Child Education Helen Grant called on Karnali Chief Minister (CM) Mahendra Bahadur Shahi here today.
During the meeting, the issues of girls’ education and women’s empowerment in Karnali were discussed.
On the occasion, CM Shahi that the British Government for its support to the education and health as well as the overall development of Karnali and expected the hope that it would continue to do so in the days to come.
Special Envoy Grant shared that the support for the overall development of Karnali will continue.
Development Director of the British Embassy Nathanel Beven, South Asia Girls’ Education Advisor Ian Atfield, Head of Karnali, and Sudur Paschim Provinces of the Coherence Unit under the British Embassy Padam Bishwakarma were also present on the occasion.