Chief Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi has said the civil service should be fair and result-oriented. Addressing a programme marking the Civil Service Day in Singha Durbar today, he urged the civil servants to move ahead identifying the problem seen in service dispensation.
The programme was organised by the Civil Service Main Celebration Committee. “It is good governance that we are looking for and the government employees should focus on how that could be achieved. The civil servants should however refrain from carrying out illegal works,” the Chief Secretary said. Stating that the civil servants are criticised, he called on them to be above criticism and carry out their works with integrity and honesty.
Meanwhile, the secretary at the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, Ek Narayan Aryal said the gap seen between the people and the employees should be removed. He said the number of civil service posts would be reviewed at the federal, provincial and local levels once the Civil Service Act is implemented. According to him, presently there are 139 thousand 198 posts in the civil service and 109 thousand 508 civil servants. Acting president of the Civil Servants Organisation, the Authorized Trade Union, Bhola Pokharel called for bringing programmes incentivising the civil servants.
Acting president of the Former Employees Service Council, Bal Krishna Prasain complained that although the constitution has stated that the knowledge and skills of the former civil servants would be utilised, the government has not done so to date.
On the occasion, Chief Secretary Bairagi handed the Civil Service Award declared for 2076 BS, 2077 BS to various civil servants. The government presents the Outstanding Civil Service Award to one civil servant, the Best Civil Service Award to 10 government employees and the Civil Service Award to 30 civil servants every year on the occasion of the Civil Service Day. However, there was no nomination for the Outstanding Civil Service Award this year. The slogan of the Civil Service Day is ‘Professional and Creative Administration: Development, Prosperity and Good Governance’