In the wake of Dashain festival, entrepreneurs have brought Chyangra, Himalayan Goats from Mustang. Markets in Baglung, Parbat, and the vicinity witnessed the arrival of Himalayan Goats.
However, it takes a long time for the businesspersons to collect Himalayan Goats for the festival.
A businessperson in Baglung Mahendra KC said four entrepreneurs- two from Parbat and two from Kathmandu- jointly brought 250 Chyangras for the Dashain festival. Some of these goats would be supplied to Kathmandu while most of them will be sold at Baglung and Parbat. Six persons were involved in the collection and supply of the Himalayan goats, according to him.
Other businesspersons were also bringing the Himalayan Goats from Mustang. Jomsom, Kagbeni, and Chamar are some places where such hairy goats are raised. They are supplied to other places via Myagdi, Baglung, and Parbat.
The Mustang goats are supplied to Pokhara and Kathmandu cities every year.
KC, who has been buying and selling Chyangras for seven years, said, “A healthy and fleshy Chyangra costs Rs 40,000 in Mustang itself. It is sold at Rs 45,000 or more.” He worried that Himalayan Goats were not imported from Tibet this year. Mustang too has not sufficient production.
As Korala border point has not been opened the businesspersons are unable to import the Himalayan Goats from Tibet. Only Mustang Chayangras do not suffice market demand.
Due to low production, the price has hiked. It was only two years back that a good Chyangra used to cost Rs 27,000, but its rose to 40,000 now.
An entrepreneur at Kusma, Raju Pun, said many old traders did not go to Mustang for collecting Chyangra because of the soaring price hikes. “This year, trading Chyangra is not lucrative,” he observed.
Some years back, Baglung alone saw the arrival of over 2,000 Chyangras but is not so now. The way to commute is difficult, they shared.
Although it is expensive, many people yearn to have Chayangra in their Dashain cuisine.
The traders are also of the view that the price of the Himalayan Goat went up also because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is believed that Chyangra meat is tasty and healthier too. Although normal goats are available around the year for meat, Chyangra is in special demand during the festival.