Chief Minister of Sudur Pashim Province Kamal Bahadur Shah has said journalists are expected to be responsible towards the nation, people, and society.
Inaugurating the fifth convention and 23rd establishment day of the Nepal Press Union (NPU), Lamki Chapter in Kailali on Friday, the Chief Minister insisted that not only people’s representatives but also the media should be responsible for the development and prosperity of the country.
Contents capable of enabling federalism and creating hope among the people should also be the priorities of media, according to the Chief Minister who urged journalists to always point out any weaknesses on the part of the government. He also urged the media to verify the credibility of contents before dissemination.
NPU Senior Vice Chairman Prem KC advised people’s representatives to give proper space to media. He took time to say that the NPU should not induct non-journalists as its members.
Nepali Congress Kailali Vice-President Bhim Baduwal urged the media not to deviate from media ethics and to promote professional journalism.
Lamkhuchuwa Mayor Sushil Shahi said it was necessary for Nepali media to pen against corruption, contributing to promoting good governance.
NPU Sudur Pashim Chairman Manmohan Swanr said print media and FM radios were facing challenges to sustainability and the State’s intervention was needed to protect them.
The program was chaired by NPU Lamki’s outgoing president Devanand Neupane.
The convention has elected a 13-member new leadership for the NPU Lamki with Paramanand Pandey as the president. His election was unanimous.