Shabda Bimbama Satyamohan’, a collection of writings highlighting contributions of late centenarian Satya Mohan Joshi, has been launched. Writers and litterateurs, including senior journalist Bhairab Risal jointly launched the book amid a function here on Saturday. Published by Bhundipuran Publications and edited by Gopi Krishna Dhungana, the book has featured main writings and pictures of Joshi, articles, editorials, interviews, news and poems about him, and reflections on him by writers, litterateurs and journalists. Divided into eight parts, the book has 32 writings and feature news, seven editorials, three interviews, 12 news, and three poems about Joshi. The 408-page book is priced at Rs 590. On the occasion, journalist Risal praised culture expert Joshi as an exceptional and brilliant person who received respect and honour from society. Similarly, journalist Shree Om Rodan viewed that Joshi, who lived a simple life, has been an inspiration for all in the form of live museum and heritage. Prof Dr Lekh Prasad Niraula said the late Joshi was a towering person in Nepali society in terms of his contributions to Nepal’s history, culture, literature and humanity. Dhungana termed Joshi a living human civilization while shedding light on his struggle. Book Publisher Keshab Prasad Parajuli said Joshi was a n revered personality for all.