Construction of Humla’s Karnali corridor completed

July 16, 2021

The construction work of Karnali Corridor, National Pride Project, has been completed.

The construction bid contracted by Nepali Army has been completed and handed over to the Road division office. The construction of a corridor of 181 km section from Khulalu of Kalikot to Salisalla of Humla district (122 km was contracted by NA) got completed.

The construction bid began from Chaitra 5 of 2071 BS completed in seven years. According to the construction workforce chief of NA Milan Karki, the road section was handed over to the Hilsa-Simkot Road Division office on July 15.

He added that the construction bid was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect. The corridor is extended 40 km in Kalikot, 43 in Bajura, and 133 in Humla district. The total cost of the project is 1.65 billion.