CSMCFN draws attention of government

June 5, 2021

The Community School Management Committee Federation of Nepal (CSMCFN) has drawn the attention of the government that the programme of opening schools only for the children of civil servants is not based on the principle of equality.

The government has brought this policy through its budget statement for fiscal year 2021/22. As per the policy, the government would, in coordination with all the provinces, open separate school for the children of civil servants in each province, with the objective of providing quality education to their children.

The Federation submitted a memorandum in this connection to the Minister for Education, Science and Technology Krishna Gopal Shrestha, calling for the implementation of the constitutionally guaranteed right of all to get education in all kinds of schools in an equal footing.

The government has mentioned in the budget statement for the next year that a school meant for the children of the civil servants would be opened at Dhankuta and Dipayal.

Federation president Krishna Thapa and general secretary Gunaraj Moktan issued a press release today, saying the government’s tis programme was also in contravention of the vision of the National education Policy, 2076.

The press release states that it would not be approriate to make special provision only meant for the civil servants when what is required is to improve the quality of education at the community schools where the children of the general public study by increasing investment in such schools.