Speaker Sapkota also said that problems were faced to proceed ahead with the discussions on the bills registered in the Parliament Secretariat due to the change of ministers of the federal government.
He shared that although the current session of the parliament is a budget session, important bills have been passed and some bills are under discussion.
Stating that 15 bills have been passed so far in the current session of the parliament and the reports of five parliamentary committees and various constitutional bodies have been tabled in parliament, he said the parliament that has run amidst the episodes of dissolution and obstructions has carried out works raising hope in the people.
Speaker Sapkota said his attention has been drawn to the fact that the post of chair of various parliamentary committees remained vacant and that he was in talk with the Prime Minister regarding holding elections for the vacant posts.
He believed that the works of the parliament would move ahead in a more effective manner with the election, albeit late, of the Deputy Speaker.