Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha today stressed the need for making new laws related to Armed Police Force (APF) as per need and in line with the changing context.
He made this statement while inspecting the APF headquarters in Halchowk today. He directed the establishment of additional border outposts meeting the international standards and making the whole APF organisation dynamic and technology-friendly. He also called for paying attentions to the proportional distribution of rations, uniforms and other facilities to APF staffs deployed in the mountain region.
Praising APF for its contribution in rescue and relief distribution efforts and responding to disasters, the minister said the Ministry was always positive about making an action plan and managing resources for the expansion of the district rescue centre, the availability of rescue equipment regularly and the development of efficacy of APF personnel deployed during disasters.
On the occasion, he applauded the APF for its dedication to protecting the life and property of people, securing the border, revenue and providing security to industries by internalising the main slogan- ‘peace, security and dedication to service’.
He said the APF has been demonstrating its skills and capacity as well as its highest professionalism even during the adverse situations. It has been successful in establishing its identity as the outstanding security body by fulfilling the responsibilities entrusted on it by the State.
The Home Minister also said that the Ministry will take the necessary initiatives for conducting the Organisation and Management Survey for the APF’s restructuring.
Home Minister Shrestha said there would be necessary support to resolve problems as Armed Police Force has been providing its services to citizens and safeguarding borders despite nominal service facility and insufficient means and resources.
Similarly, Inspector General of APF, Raju Aryal, said security is itself a complex, sensitive and challenging issue, adding APF has been performing its duty by following the Home Ministry’s policy, programme, order, directives in letter and spirit honestly.