A four-month-old child who was held hostage by a hospital in India after the mother failed to clear the hospital charge for his treatment was rescued on Sunday. The child was admitted to the Siliguri-based Paramount Hospital in West Bengal on July 30. He was diagnosed with a problem in his intestine which caused his stomach bump.
Journalist Mohan Kaji who reached the Hospital to take stock of the child agreed in writing to clear the hospital dues within 15 days and the hospital was convinced to discharge the child. The child arrived in Nepal Sunday on an ambulance supported by oxygen therapy along with his mother Sharmila Chaudhary.
Some private hospitals in Birtamod refused to admit the child citing the lack of ICU and he was taken to the B& C Hospital.
India’s Hospital said the Chaudhary family owed Rs 600 thousand 800 to it and was refusing to release him until the family cleared the dues. However, the child’s mother said she has so far paid Rs 288 thousand to the hospital and Rs 312 thousand remains in due.
“We urged the hospital to provide concession in the treatment expenses as the economic condition of the Chaudhary family is not sound and asked it to give the child back. But the hospital would not heed,” journalist Kaji, who signed on the paper guaranteeing to pay the hospital the due amount in return for the child, said.
According to him, they rescued the child by signing on the deed promising to pay the hospital within 15 days.
Journalist Kaji charged the hospital with inhuman conduct of holding the child hostage to raise his medical bill and increasing the due amount on a daily basis after sending the child’s parents home.
Journalist Kaji further said Hospital’s senior manager Pintu Rustagi has kept a copy of the citizenship certificate warning that they would reach his home if the dues are not paid in the stipulated time.
The child was still on oxygen support when the hospital returned the child. His condition is still serious as the ‘pipe’ fixed to the abdomen and urinary tract of the child after the operation has not been removed.
The Chaudhary family is poor and so cannot afford to pay the treatment expenses of the child. RSS had on Sunday disseminated the news of the child being held hostage by the hospital and this news was carried by various media outlets.
Sharmila has appealed to the donors for financial support and to save the life of her ailing child. She said she already spent Rs 50 thousand before this for treatment of the child at various hospitals in Nepal before going to India for treatment.
The Chaudhary family has so far paid Rs 288 thousand to the hospital and of this amount Rs 54 thousand was collected through donation while the remaining money is loan.