Deputy Prime Minister and Minster for Defense Purna Bahadur Khadka said there was no room to cast doubt on the stability of the incumbent government.
In his address to the national general federation of the Nepal Tailoring Entrepreneurs Federation here today, DPM Khadka called for not to habour doubt towards government’s stability as there was massive support to the government’s bid for promoting good governance and corruption control.
He clarified the government was moving ahead to the path of economic reforms placing good governance and corruption control in priority.
Acknowledging the contributions of small entrepreneurs and tailoring business to the promotion of entrepreneurship and creation of employment opportunities, he said the government was ever ready to bring further reforms in tailoring business.
Federation’s Chairperson Gopal Pariyar said tailoring entrepreneurs were effortful o preserve the country’s culture and heritage amidst the deepening economic crisis. Vice-Chair Surkrishna Baidya said tailoring business has contributed to preserve the country’s identity and tradition.
Also on the occasion, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Kathmandu chair Dinesh Shrestha highlighted the role of tailoring business in raising revenue of the country and generating self-employment opportunities.
On the occasion, founder of the Shrestha Tailoring Babukaji Shrestha was felicitated for his contributions to provide employment to a larger number of people. —