Home Minister Balkrishna Khand has taken information from the Chief District Officers of seven districts about the damage caused by floods, landslides, and inundation in the concerned districts. He directed the respective bodies to use the available resources to rescue, provide relief and relocate the people affected by the floods and landslides. Home Minister Khand telephoned Rolpa’s CDO Nawaraj Sapkota and inquired about the impact of landslides and floods disaster, the ministry said. According to Sapkota, two people have been killed and two others injured when a landslide destroyed Purna Bahadur Thapa’s house in Bamla, Rolpa Municipality-10.
Similarly, Home Minister Khand telephoned Kali Prasad Parajuli, Chief District Officer of Kathmandu, to get information about the situation after the overnight rains. According to Parajuli, 385 houses in the district have been inundated so far while 232 people have been rescued and one suspension bridge has been damaged. He also telephoned Dhundi Prasad Niraula, the CDO of Lalitpur to get information about the situation in Nakhu Prison. Home Minister Khand took the information after receiving reports that the inmates had chanted slogans against the guards at the jail on Sunday afternoon. CDO Niraula informed Minister Khand that the prisoners had chanted slogans against the guards and the situation had been normalised by reaching an agreement between the two groups overnight. Likewise, the Minister also called CDO Khagendra Prasad Rijal of Kailali, CDO of Banke Shivaram Gelal, and CDO Prem Prasad Bhattarai of Bhaktapur. According to the Minister’s Secretariat, the CODs have been informed about the situation in the district. He instructed the concerned authorities to provide relief and rescue to the people affected by the natural calamities using the available resources. Minister was informed by the CDO of Morang Koshahari Niraula about the death of Bhim Kamat, who was in police custody in Morang on charges of drug abuse and died on the way to the hospital after falling sick. Similarly, CDO Teknarayan Poudel informed that six members of a family in Madi Municipality-1 of Sankhuwasabha were killed in an attack that was carried out using a sharp weapon. According to Poudel, Parvati Karki (84), her son Tej Bahadur Karki (52) Tej Bahadur’s wife Kamala Karki (52) Ranjana Karki (32) eight-year-old Bipin Karki, and five-year-old Goma Karki were killed in the attack.
Further investigation into the incident is underway.