The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, who is on a visit to Lumbini, has paid obeisance at the Mayadevi temple here. Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and his wife Dr Arju Rana Deuba also paid obeisance.
While the prime ministers of the two countries were worshiping, Buddhist monks performed the Buddhabandana. The distinguished guest from India toured the sacred lake at the Mayadevi temple premises and lit the lamp at the Ashoka Pillar here.
The Prime Ministers of both the countries also irrigated the Vodhi tree near Ashoka Pillar. Earlier, Indian Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Deuba were welcomed by Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Prem Bahadur Ale and Lumbini Development Fund Vice-Chairman Bhikkhu Maitreya Shakya Putta.
Today, Indian Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Deuba laid the foundation stone of the India International Buddhist Culture and Heritage Center to be built on the land provided by the government for India at the International Buddhist Monastery premises here and unveiled the inscription.