Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to pay a visit to Mayadevi Temple, Lumbini on the occasion of Buddha Jayanti. He is scheduled to participate in a special program organized by the Lumbini Development Fund on Monday. He will also be lighting a lamp in front of the Ashoka Pillar.
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba along with Indian Prime Minister Modi are scheduled to lay the foundation stone for a vihar to be built with Indian assistance in the Lumbini area. The construction of the vihar is being carried out at a cost of 1 billion Indian rupees with the help of the Indian government.
The Vice-Chairman of the Lumbini Development Fund Metteyya Sakyaputta informed that the Indian Prime Minister would arrive in Lumbini by helicopter at 11:30 am. After that, he is scheduled to go straight to the Mayadevi temple. The temple has organized a program where the Prime Ministers offer flowers and recite Buddha Vani. They are also scheduled to participate in a program to irrigate the Bodhi tree in Lumbini and sign the visitor's book.
The Prime Ministers of Nepal and India are also scheduled to hold sideline talks in Lumbini.
After spending six hours in Lumbini, Indian Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to return to India on the same day.
Prime Minister Deuba is scheduled to inaugurate the International Meditation Center and Assembly Hall in Lumbini on the day of Buddha Jayanti. The assembly hall will be able to accommodate 5,000 people at a time.
Special preparations have been made in Lumbini for the arrival of Indian Prime Minister Modi. At present, four helipads have been constructed in Lumbini and other preparations have been made. Security has been increased in Lumbini from today.