Chief of Gandaki Province, Prithvi Man Gurung, said the indigenous community plays an important role on consolidation of nationality.
Giving a message of best wishes on the occasion of the 27th International Day of the Indigenous People yesterday, Province Chief Gurung reminded that the indigenous community in Nepal had played vital role on nation building. “This community has huge significance in terms of keeping ethnic harmony intact and strengthening nationality. Nepal’s constitution (2015) has guaranteed multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual specificities of the country for the equitable and representation of the indigenous communities in each state body.”
Time has come for all to protect the salient features of the constitution as federalism, republic, secularism, inclusive and proportional representation and to make indigenous people feel the ownership of the State.
In 1994, the UN General Assembly had announced the International Day of the World Indigenous People.