The body of a woman of Bhramarapura at Loharpatti in Mahottari district who had gone missing since June 3 has been found. The deceased has been identified as Sujata Thakur, a local resident. Police have alleged that she was murdered by her husband and in-laws.
The police further added that Sujata’s husband Mukesh with the help of his father Patiram and brother Rupesh murdered her on June 2 and buried her body in a farm belonging to Patiram at local Manarahiya forest at Bhamarapura village, around three kilometers southeast of Patiram’s house.
Superintendent of Police Dinesh Kumar Acharya, informed that clues to the murder like a plastic rope and a bed sheet were recovered from the site where her body had been buried.
Drawing their attention to the incident, the National Human Rights Commission, National Women’s Commission and Madhesi Commission have urged the police to hasten the investigation and penalise the culprits.