Monday, March 17, 2025

Large amount of vaccine wasted in Nepal every year

July 17, 2022

As reported a large amount of vaccine was wasted in Nepal. It has been found that 78.8% of BCG vaccine was wasted in Nepal this year. In this way, 2 million 95 thousand 398 BCG vaccines were wasted within 1 year. The information is mentioned in the 59th report of the Auditor General.

562 thousand 698 BCG vaccinations were given in a period of 1 year. During this period 26 lakh 58 thousand 96 vaccines were spent.

Similarly, 22.2% of Penta DPT vaccine was wasted. Similarly, 48.3% of the measles and rubella vaccine was wasted. 23.2% of polio OPV vaccine was wasted. Similarly, 46.5 percent of JE vaccine and 36 percent of TD vaccine were wasted.

Various vaccinations received from various donors and purchased by the Health Services Department of the Government of Nepal are administered free of charge. When giving such a vaccine, the vaccination schedule should be determined and the vaccination should be administered so that the received vaccines are not wasted.

Since the vaccination program is not conducted economically and efficiently, it is seen that the received vaccine is wasted unnaturally. It has been mentioned in the latest report of the Auditor General’s office that since last year, the Office of the Auditor General has been pointing out that vaccinations should be scheduled and managed, but this year too, there has been no improvement. The report also pointed out that such losses should be controlled and resources and means should be used economically.