The last rites of 17-year-old Bhagarathi Bhatta, who was killed after rape at Chadepani of Dogalakedar Rural Municipality-7 in the district, are being performed today- 17 days after her murder.
Bhatta’s family and relatives, who were demanding the government for fair investigation and arrest of the accused one since her murder, agreed to receive the dead body for final rites. The police arrested and made public the perpetrator Dinesh on Wednesday after he confessed of raping and murdering her.
On Thursday, suspected perpetrator Dinesh had confessed crime before his father, investigation (police) officer and attorney while giving statement after the postmortem report was released. He confessed that he alone raped and murdered Bhagarathi Bhatta.
After Dinesh’s confession of rape and murder, Bhagarathi’s family and relatives agreed to receive the body kept at District Hospital.
Chief District Officer Mohan Raj Sharma informed that the family and relatives were receiving the dead body of Bhatta at 10:00am.
Bhagarathi’s uncle Shivaraj Bhatta informed that the funeral cortege would begin from Gothalapani from 11:00am today. The final rites would be performed at Mahakali Aryaghat, Shera.