Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma has said the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) had played a significant role despite limited resources.
Inaugurating the human rights archives centre at NHRC office on Friday, Minister Sharma reminded that NHRC had played a vital role even during the armed insurgency. “NHRC deserves thanks. When NHRC voiced for human rights during difficult time as in the armed conflict, it was a huge relief in deed,” she reminded, adding that NHRC’s statements bear significance.
She urged the human rights oversight body to collect the related documents even out of the office and go for digitalization.
On the occasion, former Chairman of the NHRC Anup Raj Sharma viewed NHRC could work for people by realizing its strength and authority.
Resident Representative for UNDP in Nepal Ayshanie Medagangoda-Labé extended gratitude to the NHRC for its performance and believed maintaining archive would be a significant task of documentation. It is a huge resource for studious persons.
Similarly, Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Chiribabu Maharjan showed readiness for the cooperation with NHRC.
Acting Chairman of the NHRC Dr Surya Dhungel viewed they were for making an exemplary archive even useful for foreign countries. Human rights must be a priority of the government, he underscored.
The archive has the documents with information and pictures that shed light on establishment of NHRC, details on office bearers, the role NHRC played during conflict, materials found during human rights monitoring, photos taken during monitoring etc.