Nepal Police have rescued a minor from Patna, India. A team from the Baneshwor Police Circle rescued 14-year-old Navin Ruwali from Patna, India on Saturday. He had gone missing from Baneswar in the capital on June 15.
Spokesperson of the District Police Office, Kathmandu, Superintendent of Police Dinesh Raj Mainali said that Ruwali, who went missing from Kathmandu on Wednesday, was rescued from Patna, India on Saturday. Navin was rescued with the continuous coordination and cooperation of the Nepal Police and the Indian Police following a complaint filed by Bharat Ruwali Sarki, brother of the minor.
Ruwali, who hails from Ganyapadhura Rural Municipality-1 of India, was rescued from Patna railway station of India and brought to Kathmandu and handed over to his relatives, according to police.