The number of people vaccinated against coronavirus in Kanchanpur has reached 1 hundred 97 thousand 233. According to Janak Kanwar, health office spokesperson, the total number of people who have taken the full dose of CovidShield and AstraZeneca is 34,362 and the number of people who have taken the full dose of Vero Cell is 132,039 and Johnson & Johnson 27,400.
The first dose of CovidShelid and AstraZeneca has been applied by 51,103 people. Similarly, one hundred 84 thousand 898 people have been vaccinated with the first dose of Vero Cell. The first dose of 63,737 Moderna vaccines has been given to students in the age group of 12 to 17 years.
Peple who have gotten their first does of vaccine are at 86.60 per cent and the second dose 65 per cent. On Thursday alone, 15,200 people were vaccinated. “Preparations have been made to vaccinate against coronavirus on a regular basis since January,” said Kuwar.