The Inland Revenue Office at Nawalparasi (east of Bardaghat-Susta) has collected Rs 12.30 billion in the first seven months of the current fiscal year. According to the office, the revenue collection from last July to mid-January was less than the target of Rs 12.61 billion. The highest revenue of Rs 11.75 billion has been collected under excise duty. Chief Tax Officer Tek Bahadur Aryal informed that the target is to collect revenue of Rs. 12.55 billion.
Rs 307.797 million in income tax, Rs 172.79 million in value added tax (VAT), Rs 31.42 million in interest, Rs 1.83 million in healthcare, and Rs 82.52 million in housing tax were collected. Chief Tax Officer Aryal said that the office is preparing to effectively advance taxpayer education to collect revenue as per the target.