Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that the one-horned rhino is a priceless asset of Nepal. Addressing the Third Rhino Range Countries Meeting hosted by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation at Patihani through a video message on Friday, he said that the government is sensitive to the protection of the one-horned rhino.
Stating that habitat is becoming a challenge for the protection of the rhinos, the Prime Minister shared that the government will introduce a plan to protect the endangered wild animals based on the suggestions of experts in the relevant field. “Protection of animals protects the ecological system and hence the Government of Nepal is committed to working effectively for the appropriate protection of the wild animals “, he said.
He also said the local community and people will be taken on board for the protection of the wildlife. Dahal however said environmental impact globally has added to the challenge in the protection of animals.
Meanwhile, inaugurating the discussion program among conservationists from 10 different countries, Vice Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, said that the challenges in wildlife conservation are increasing, calling for the state’s special attention to the protection of the rare one-horned rhino.
He suggested coming up with a detailed plan for the protection of wild animals, including the rhinos through the coordination of all three levels of government.
High-ranking officials from Nepal, India, Bhutan, Indonesia, and Malaysia are scheduled to present the progress made in the field of rhino conservation in their respective countries. Likewise, conservation workers from Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, South Africa, and other countries will also share their experiences in wildlife conservation, according to the Information Officer of the Department, Dr. Ganesh Pant.
The participants of the meeting will also discuss the challenges faced in rhino conservation and plans, including collective responsibility. Nepal is the second largest habitat for the one-horned rhinos in the world following India.
The meeting will conclude with a Chitwan Declaration on Conservation on Sunday.
The first Rhino Range Countries Meeting was held in Indonesia and the second in New Delhi, India.