Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ said that everyone should respect the glorious tradition earned by the Tamu community and ancestors through their bravery. In the ‘Tamu Lhosar, 2022‘ program organized by the Tamu Huyul Chong Dhin Gurung National Council in Kathmandu’s Tundikhel, he said that the original and historical identity of the Tamu community had been established.
“Due to their honesty, diligence, integrity, and hard work, their record of bravery and sacrifice, the Tamu community have become an identity of pride only for Nepali people, while it has been established as a synonym for honesty, transparency, integrity, sacrifice, sacrifice, and dedication for the whole world”, he said. He said that the Lhosar festival is a festival that the Tamu community and all Nepalis are proud of.
He also announced that he will increase the government’s support in the past, saying that he has drawn attention to the fact that the government’s financial support has been stopped for the sake of Tamu Lhosar’s respect and sympathy.
Stating that Nepal is a country full of multi-ethnic, multilingual, and cultural diversity, Prime Minister Dahal said that unity in diversity is the identity of Nepalese. “Since time immemorial, Nepal’s overall national identity has been formed through the blending of different castes, languages, and cultures in this plot”, he said, “The national identity of Nepal lies in the true identity of all castes, languages, classes, and communities.”
The Gurung community is celebrating the Lhosar festival with great joy all over the country today as a farewell to the tiger class and a welcome to the cat class. On that occasion, the Gurung community performed various tableaus. In Tundikhel, there was a significant presence of young people in Gurung costumes. Food dishes of the Gurung community were kept on the program premises.