President Bidya Devi Bhandari planted the ‘tulsi’ or basil sapling in the private residence premises at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on the occasion of the Harisayani Ekadashi today. She also offered worship on the occasion. Harisayani Ekadashi is a special festival observed by the Hindus.
It is believed that if one plants the ‘tulasi’ sapling and observes a fast on this day, it brings happiness, peace and health to society, family and the person. According to the Hindu religious tradition, the ‘Chaturmas Brata’ or the four-month fasting commences from the day of Harishayani Ekadashi. This four months’ period is taken to be important in terms of showing devotion and paying homage to god.
Tulasi which has medicinal value is an herb considered beneficial to health and people can directly benefited by growing this plat at their homes. Tulasi is used as home remedy for many illnesses like cough and cold, fever etc. In this way, the Harishayani Ekadashi has a special significance in terms of religion and health related aspects.