About Rs 3.2 million in cash was stolen from Bhimkul Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Borlang of Bhimsen Thapa Rural Municipality-7 in Gorkha district, on Friday night.
The channel gate of the finance office was broken in the middle of the night and cash was stolen, informed Buddhi Shrestha, a member of the board of directors of the cooperative.
Out of the amount of Rs 5.2 million transacted by the cooperative, Rs 3.2 million were stolen, informed Shrestha.
The Bhimkul Saving and Credit Cooperatives Ltd is one of the outstanding finance companies in Gorkha district, Shrestha said and added that the company transacts Rs 2 million to 3 million a day. The finance has seen an increase in transactions as the end of the fiscal year is near.
The cash collected till Friday was to be deposited in the bank in Gorkha district headquarters on Sunday. However, it was difficult to reach headquarters due to incessant rain, Shrestha added.
The CCTV footage of the finance company clearly shows that the burglar came with all the weapons and tools to break the lock, said Shrestha.
Meanwhile, police have proceeded with the investigation into the theft at the finance.