Amidst the throng of Galkote youths leaving the village for Japan, a young man has shortened his stay in Japan and returned to the village to engage in goat rearing. Ramesh Basnet of Bhanse Bansbari, Galkot Municipality-5 has started goat rearing business after completing his eight-year stay in Japan.
After reaching Japan in the company of the youth of the village, he has now returned to Pasan village and started enjoying his profession and business. Arriving in Japan on a student visa eight years ago, he endured various hardships there. He has started commercial goat rearing in Galkot-9 Galyang after suffering a lot in foreign countries. Although businessman Basnet has acquired technical education, his profession has been embraced by farmers. He is studying for a diploma in engineering from Pokhara Engineering College.
“Studies and professions are very different in a country like ours. There is no guarantee of a job according to one’s education. I have studied sadly. I have to go abroad or take up another profession,” he said. “I am an engineer.
He has started a goat breeding business in Galyangaun with an investment of Rs. 6 million. His farm now has 33 goats, big and small. Basnet, 32, who is looking for a future in goat rearing, had gone abroad after studying engineering for a diploma. He said that the place where the farm has been established is very suitable for goat rearing and there is a good arrangement of grass. He says, “If you live in a village-like abroad, you can earn a decent income here. He explains. Businessman Basnet said that he went to Japan at the instigation of his friends and now he wants to become an entrepreneur in the village.