Police have arrested Lok Bahadur Karki’s brother Naresh Karki and four others in charge of being involved in the massacre of six people in Umling Khola village of Madi Municipality-1 of Sankhuwasabha district.
Spokesperson of the State Police Office, Biratnagar, Superintendent of Police Navin Raj Rai said that four people have been dragged for an investigation. Police said that they have started investigation on the suspicion that other people were also involved in the incident.
According to him, local Lok Bahadur Karki has already been arrested by the police in charge of being involved. Spokesperson Superintendent of Police Rai said that the police have started investigation on other four people. Rai said that the investigation team reached the spot again after the police found the missing mobile phone of the deceased Ranjana Karki last Friday.
After finding more evidence about the incident, a six-member team led by Superintendent of Police (SP) Bhim Dahal of the Federal Unit Police Office Dharan and police from the State Police Office No 1 reached the spot and re-investigated, said Rai.
Lok Bahadur is said to have killed six people. Spokesperson Rai said that the police have started investigation on the basis of the statements of Lok Bahadur and Naresh, who were arrested on the charge of involvement in the murder.
Sankhuwasabha police arrested the accused Lok Bahadur Karki on the seventh day of the incident. Ranjana’s mobile phone had been missing since the morning of the incident. The mobile phone was found in Lok Bahadur’s house.