This year’s SEE exam is from 17th to 29th March

January 28, 2023

This year’s Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is going to start on 17th Chait. According to the examination schedule published by the National Examination Board, the examination will be held till March 29.

Chairman of the board Mahashram Sharma informed that on the first day of the examination, which will be conducted from 8 am to 11 am, there will be a compulsory English subject exam on Friday, Chait 17, and on the same day, a compulsory Sanskrit language, literature, and compulsory English exam will be held for Vedavidyashram.

Compulsory Mathematics on Sunday 19th March, English exam will be compulsory for Nepali and non-Nepali students on Monday 20th. On Wednesday, Chait 22, there will be a compulsory Sanskrit grammar and translation exam for compulsory science and Vedavidyashram, while on Thursday, Chait 23, there will be compulsory social studies and technical exams for Farm Management and Marketing, Engineering Drawing, Computer Repairing, and Maintenance and Basic Music.

Similarly, on Friday 24th of Chait, compulsory health, population, and environmental education, rituals for Vedavidyashram, fruitful astrology, compulsory Sanskrit language for Sanskrit, aquatic agriculture and fisheries for technology, electrical management and installments, computer networking, engineering surveying and music of Nepal will be held.

Also, on Saturday, Chait 25, there will be an exam for all subjects of the optional first paper for general and Sanskrit, Veda and Niti Shastra for Vedavidyashram, and optional mathematics for technical. On Sunday 26th of Chait, subjects of the optional second paper towards general and Sanskrit,

All the subjects of the optional second paper for Ved Vidyashram, technical side for Vegetable and Medicinal Plant Production, Dairy and Dairy Production, Utilization of Electric Energy, Database Management Systems, Building Construction, and Music Technology will be examined.

On Monday, 27th Chait, there will be an examination for Technical Dhartarf Crop Production, Small Ruminant Production and Management, Electronics Device and Circuit, Water Resources Engineering, and Instrument Keyboard. On Tuesday, 28th Chait, there will be a technical examination for Industrial Entomology and Mushroom, Animal Health, Electrical Machine, Micro Process, Highway Engineering, Music Business, and Program Management.

Technically, on the last day of the examination, on Wednesday, 29th Chait, there will be examinations for Floriculture and Nursery Management, Veterinary Laboratory Technique, Industrial Installation, and Maintenance, Object Oriented Programming, Estimating Casting and Supervision and Optional Subjects for Singing, Music, Instrumental and Dance.