This year’s SEE exams to be based on Letter Grading Directive 2078

January 24, 2024

The National Examinations Board this year has decided to conduct the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) and public its results in accordance with the Letter Grading Directive 2078 BS.

The Board has scheduled the SEE for the year 2080 BS from March 28 to April 9.

Board Chair Dr Mahashram Sharma said the grade ten students this year will be sitting for the SEE as per the new curriculum and results will be published being based on the Letter Grading Directives 2078 BS.

As per the new system, each SEE student is required to obtain 35 in theory in 100 full marks subject to be qualified for pursuing higher studies. Any student failing to secure above 35, in theory, will not be eligible for getting enrolled in class 11 and will find the result under the Non-Graded category.

In such a situation, the chance exams for two subjects will be allowed for three times.

A total of 489,000 students, both regular and towards grade improvement, will be appearing in the SEE, according to Nandalal Paudel, SEE Examinations Controller.

The grading system has already been implemented in the exams of grades 11 and 12. The Board has intensified the preparations for the SEE.

The printing of question papers, preparations of other logistics, and fixations for examination centers are the parts of the preparations, it is said.