The police have arrested two teenage girls on charge of murdering Bibek Bista, a three-and-a-half-year-old child, in Tikapur, Kailali.
SP Biswa Adhikari, chief of District Police Office of Kailali, informed that they had arrested a 15-year-old girl who is the child’s relative and her friend who is 14 years old for the murder of the child. He mentioned that during the initial investigation it has been found that the child had been murdered due to some family dispute.
The police have said the girl has confessed to killing the child by pushing him into the Jamara Canal. Police also said since the bracelet that the child was wearing had been recovered from the girl’s friend, the friend too had been detained for further investigation.
Bista had gone missing since 11 am on Monday and his body was recovered from Jamara Canal on Wednesday.