The Kathmandu Metropolitan City has warned to take action saying that some private schools are operating at a time when the epidemic is spreading rapidly. Contrary to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, some private schools of the metropolis are operating.
Stating that the third wave of coronavirus is spreading rapidly, the government had instructed all the schools to operate from alternative mediums instead of operating in physical presence from January 11. It is said that some private schools in wards 15 and 18 of the corporation are operating ignoring the instructions given by the government. The Future Star Boarding School, which operates in KAMPA-15, is teaching in two groups in the morning and in the afternoon. Similarly, schools are being run in some other wards of the district.
In this regard, the head of the education department of the corporation Ram Prasad Subedi has warned to take action if the schools operating against the directives issued by the government are not closed immediately. Subedi said, “It is punishable to run a school under the pretext of charging fees against the instructions at a time when everyone should cooperate for the control of the epidemic.”
Even now, not all students have access to vaccines. Although 12-year-old students have been vaccinated, many still need to be vaccinated. “Opening a school at a time when the epidemic is on the rise is fatal. It should be stopped immediately, otherwise, strict action will be taken,” said Subedi.
At present, Kathmandu Valley has become the epicenter of the epidemic. Seven thousand infected people are seen here daily. In order to control the epidemic, the Public Service Commission and the examination conducted by Tribhuvan University have been postponed and the system of transportation has also been implemented. In the last few days, more than 12,000 cases are being infected daily across the country.