Senior Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel has said that the current alliance could be broken if Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ and Madhav Kumar Nepal do not support the MCC. At a press conference organized by the Press Union Tanahu in Damauli today, he clarified that the Nepali Congress was not in favor of maintaining the alliance if the CPN (Maoist Center) and the CPN (Unified Socialists) did not cooperate in passing the MCC.
“The coalition parties should support the government’s proposal. If the coalition does not support it, the Congress should pass the MCC even with the support of the main opposition party,” he said. Senior leader Poudel urged the leaders of the alliance not to talk about maintaining the alliance by making MCC a failure. “In the same way, one can go to the polls and announce the election,” he said.
Stating that the MCC was a gift from the American people, senior leader Poudel accused it of spreading unnecessary confusion about the MCC. “The MCC is not American imperialism, it is a development project,” he said.